Your skin is your
largest organ — and also the thinnest and highly permeable. Up to 60% of the
items you rub on your skin will end up in your bloodstream, and then
distributed throughout your body. Putting harmful chemicals on your skin may
actually be worse than eating them. At least when you eat something, the enzymes
in your saliva and stomach help to break it down and flush it out of your body.
However, when you put these chemicals on your skin, they are absorbed straight
into your bloodstream without filtering of any kind, going directly to your
delicate organs. And once these chemicals find their way into your body, they
accumulate over time because our bodies lack the necessary enzymes to break
them down and remove them.
What’s worse, we unknowingly expose the delicate skin of babies and children to
toxic ingredients every day, resulting in a myriad of conditions from mild
irritations to more serious skin disorders.
This is one of the many reasons why we are so passionate about natural products
for your skin and hair