During the summer it
is easy to be aware of how dehydrated we feel during the day – We sweat, we
lose water, and we try to replace it. In winter we’re often unaware of our risk
of dehydration, but it happen as quickly and easily as in hotter months. We go
from dry heated air in our homes, to cold dry air outside, to dry heated air in
our cars and offices, and back again. In cold weather, the body’s thirst
response is diminished by up to 40 percent, even when dehydrated.
Remember that water is required for our cells to transport nutrients and
minerals throughout our bodies, and also to help eliminate wastes and toxins.
Dehydration prevents your body from eliminating toxins through your skin, which
in turn makes your skin more susceptible to skin problems and disorders.
Adequate water intake is also needed for hair cells to transport nutrients and
vitamins to the hair root – keeping your hair hydrated from the inside out,
which directly affects hair growth and retention.